5-Step Guide to Handwashing: Health Tips for Children

5-Step Guide to Handwashing: Health Tips for Children

No matter where you live, diseases and infection don’t really select people. When you don’t practice the basic hygiene and sanitation habits, you are putting yourself and those around you at risk of common infections.

Excellent health care is one of the advocacies we aim for in our non-profit organization in Houston, Texas. We are dedicated to the empowerment of children and their families in the rural areas in Nigeria—not only towards quality and accessible education, but also for outstanding health care. With this, we would like to highlight the value, and yet often-overlooked practice, of handwashing.

The CDC even recommends ten significant situations that should compel people to wash their hands, which all the more emphasizes how crucial this habit is. Thankfully, washing our hands is not so complicated to do that we can even pass this on to our children. Hence, along with our goal as a Literacy Foundation International Incorporated in Houston, Texas, USA, let us impart with you the following steps for properly washing hands:

    Practically speaking, washing your hands begins with washing it with clean water, preferably running water. It doesn’t matter if it’s warm or cold for as long as it’s clean. Running water is preferred because it doesn’t have stagnated elements. When the hands are wet, that’s when you apply soap.
    With soap on your wet hands, rub them together. As you do this, ensure that you lather your hands with the soap, starting with the back of your hand, then in between the fingers, under the nails, and at the palm.
    For approximately 20 seconds, scrub your hands particularly in the previously mentioned areas, which are the back, in-between fingers, and the palm. The 20-second timing is as long as singing the “Happy Birthday” song twice from start to finish. When you’re teaching this to your child, the “Happy Birthday” song can be an exciting cue for them.
    After the 20-second lathering, it’s now time to rinse your hands. Ensure that you use running water again. In areas where a faucet is not available, you can fill a small container of water and have it poured on your hands slowly.
    After your hands have been washed and rinsed, it’s now time to dry them. Ideally, you need to use a clean towel to ensure that your hands don’t acquire a new set of germs after the washing. If you have an air-dry device at home, that will be better. However, paper towels will also suffice.

In many elementary schools, handwashing is also endorsed and encouraged so that children will learn that wherever they are, this is a practice they need to do. As a supporter of Child Education International, we believe that a child’s learning is greatly affected by their quality of health.

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